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The Science of Geography: How We Understand the World and Its People

Geography: The Science of Earth and Its People

Have you ever wondered how mountains are formed, why cities are located where they are, or how climate change affects humans and nature? If so, you are interested in geography, the science of Earth and its people. Geography is a fascinating and diverse field that covers many aspects of our planet and its inhabitants. In this article, we will explore what geography is, why it is important and fun, and what are some of the main topics and methods of its three main branches: physical geography, human geography, and technical geography.


What is Geography?

According to National Geographic, geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earths surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.

Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into three main branches: physical geography, human geography, and technical geography. Physical geography focuses on the study of the natural characteristics of the planet, such as climate, landforms, water, vegetation, and wildlife. Human geography focuses on the study of the human aspects of the planet, such as population, culture, economy, politics, and urbanization. Technical geography focuses on the study of the tools and techniques that geographers use to collect, analyze, and present geographic information, such as maps, statistics, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS).

Why is Geography Important and Fun?

Geography is important because it helps us understand our planet and its people better. Geography can help us learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and social norms around the world. Geography can also help us address global issues such as climate change, water availability, natural resources, biodiversity, poverty, migration, and conflict. Geography can also help us appreciate the beauty and diversity of our planet and its people.

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Geography is fun because it offers many opportunities for exploration, discovery, and learning. Geography can spark our curiosity and imagination about places we have never been to or want to visit. Geography can also challenge our assumptions and stereotypes about places we think we know well. Geography can also inspire us to take action to protect our planet and its people.

What is Physical Geography?

Physical geography is the branch of geography that studies the natural features and processes of Earths surface. Physical geographers use various methods to observe, measure, model, and explain how Earths physical systems work and interact with each other. Some of the main topics that physical geographers study include:

  • Climate: The long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity, pressure, and other atmospheric conditions in a given region.

  • Landforms: The shapes and structures of Earths surface, such as mountains, valleys, plains, plateaus, coasts, islands, volcanoes, caves, etc.

  • Water: The distribution and movement of water in its various forms (liquid, solid, gas) on Earths surface and underground.

  • Vegetation: The types and distribution of plants that grow on Earths surface.

  • Wildlife: The types and distribution of animals that live on Earths surface.

  • Soil: The upper layer of Earths surface that consists of mineral particles, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms.

  • Natural hazards: The events or phenomena that pose a threat to human life or property due to natural causes such as earthquakes,

. floods, landslides, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc.

  • Biogeography: The study of the distribution and evolution of living organisms on Earths surface.

Some examples of physical geography facts and phenomena are:

  • The highest point on Earth is Mount Everest, which is 8,848 meters above sea level. The lowest point on Earth is the Mariana Trench, which is 10,994 meters below sea level.

  • The largest river by volume is the Amazon River, which carries about 20% of the worlds freshwater. The longest river is the Nile River, which flows for about 6,650 kilometers.

  • The largest desert by area is the Sahara Desert, which covers about 9.2 million square kilometers. The driest desert is the Atacama Desert, which receives less than 1 millimeter of rain per year.

  • The largest lake by area is the Caspian Sea, which covers about 371,000 square kilometers. The deepest lake is Lake Baikal, which has a maximum depth of 1,642 meters.

  • The largest island by area is Greenland, which covers about 2.2 million square kilometers. The most populous island is Java, which has about 141 million people.

  • The most active volcano is Kilauea, which has been erupting continuously since 1983. The most explosive volcano is Krakatoa, which erupted in 1883 and produced the loudest sound ever recorded.

What is Human Geography?

Human geography is the branch of geography that studies the human aspects of Earths surface. Human geographers use various methods to observe, measure, analyze, and explain how human societies and cultures interact with their environments and each other. Some of the main topics that human geographers study include:

  • Population: The number, distribution, growth, migration, and characteristics of people on Earths surface.

  • Culture: The beliefs, values, norms, languages, religions, arts, and customs of people on Earths surface.

  • Economy: The production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of goods and services on Earths surface.

  • Politics: The organization, administration, governance, and conflicts of people on Earths surface.

  • Urbanization: The process and patterns of people moving from rural to urban areas on Earths surface.

  • Development: The level and quality of economic, social, and environmental well-being of people on Earths surface.

Some examples of human geography facts and phenomena are:

  • The world population as of June 2021 was estimated at 7.9 billion people. The most populous country was China with 1.4 billion people. The least populous country was Vatican City with 801 people.

  • The most widely spoken language in the world as of 2021 was Mandarin Chinese with 1.3 billion speakers. The most widely spoken language by number of countries was English with 67 countries.

  • The largest economy in the world as of 2020 was the United States with a gross domestic product (GDP) of $21.4 trillion. The fastest growing economy in the world as of 2020 was Libya with a GDP growth rate of 121%.

  • The largest democracy in the world as of 2021 was India with a population of 1.4 billion people. The smallest democracy in the world as of 2021 was Nauru with a population of 11 thousand people.

  • The most urbanized region in the world as of 2020 was North America with an urbanization rate of 82%. The least urbanized region in the world as of 2020 was Africa with an urbanization rate of 43%.

  • The most developed country in the world as of 2020 was Norway with a human development index (HDI) score of 0.957. The least developed country in the world as of 2020 was Niger with a HDI score of 0.394.

What is Technical Geography?

Technical geography is the branch of geography that studies the tools and techniques that geographers use to collect, analyze, and present geographic information. Technical geographers use various methods to acquire, store, manipulate, visualize, and communicate spatial data and knowledge. Some of the main topics that technical geographers study include:

  • <ul The most widely used statistical method in geography is the spatial analysis, which examines the patterns, processes, and relationships of spatial information, such as clustering, dispersion, autocorrelation, interpolation, etc.

  • The most widely used remote sensing platform in geography is the Landsat program, which has been providing continuous satellite imagery of Earths surface since 1972. The most recent satellite in the program is Landsat 9, which was launched in September 2021.

  • The most widely used GIS software in geography is ArcGIS, which is a suite of applications that allows users to create, edit, analyze, and share spatial information using maps and data. ArcGIS is developed by Esri, a company that also provides online mapping and data services.

  • The most widely used GPS device in geography is the smartphone, which can access GPS signals from multiple satellites and provide location and navigation information to users. Smartphones can also use other technologies such as Wi-Fi and cellular networks to enhance the accuracy and reliability of GPS.

  • The most widely used geovisualization tool in geography is Google Earth, which is a web-based application that allows users to explore and interact with 3D models of Earths surface using satellite imagery, aerial photography, street view, and other data sources. Google Earth also allows users to create and share their own maps and stories.


Geography is a fascinating and diverse field that covers many aspects of our planet and its people. Geography helps us understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. Geography also helps us learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and social norms around the world. Geography also helps us address global issues such as climate change, water availability, natural resources, biodiversity, poverty, migration, and conflict. Geography also helps us appreciate the beauty and diversity of our planet and its people.

Geography can be divided into three main branches: physical geography, human geography, and technical geography. Physical geography studies the natural features and processes of Earths surface. Human geography studies the human aspects of Earths surface. Technical geography studies the tools and techniques that geographers use to collect, analyze, and present geographic information.

If you want to learn more about geography, there are many resources and tips that you can use. You can read books, magazines, websites, blogs, podcasts, or videos about geography topics that interest you. You can take courses or join clubs or organizations that offer geography education or activities. You can use maps, statistics, remote sensing, GIS, GPS, or geovisualization tools to explore and create your own geographic information. You can also travel or volunteer to experience different places and cultures firsthand.


Here are some common questions and answers about geography:

  • What are some careers that involve geography?

Some careers that involve geography are geographer, cartographer, surveyor, urban planner, environmental consultant, climatologist, geologist, geographer, cartographer, surveyor, urban planner, environmental consultant, climatologist, geologist, archaeologist, teacher, researcher, journalist, and more.

  • What are some famous geographers in history?

Some famous geographers in history are Eratosthenes, who calculated the circumference of the Earth; Ptolemy, who created one of the earliest world maps; Ibn Battuta, who traveled and wrote about many regions of the world; Marco Polo, who explored and traded with Asia; Christopher Columbus, who discovered the Americas; Ferdinand Magellan, who led the first circumnavigation of the world; Alexander von Humboldt, who pioneered modern physical geography; Carl Ritter, who founded modern human geography; Alfred Wegener, who proposed the theory of continental drift; and David Harvey, who developed the concept of spatial justice.

  • What are some current challenges or opportunities for geography?

Some current challenges or opportunities for geography are climate change, which poses a threat to the environment and human well-being; globalization, which increases the interdependence and diversity of people and places; urbanization, which transforms the landscape and society of cities; digitalization, which enhances the availability and accessibility of geographic information; and sustainability, which requires a balance between economic development and environmental protection.

  • What are some fun facts or trivia about geography?

Some fun facts or trivia about geography are:

  • The word geography comes from the Greek words geo (Earth) and graphia (writing).

  • The equator is the longest line of latitude on Earth, measuring about 40,075 kilometers. The prime meridian is the longest line of longitude on Earth, measuring about 20,003 kilometers.

  • The smallest country by area is Monaco, which covers only 2.02 square kilometers. The largest country by area is Russia, which covers 17.1 million square kilometers.

  • The hottest place on Earth is Death Valley in California, USA, which recorded a temperature of 56.7C in 1913. The coldest place on Earth is Vostok Station in Antarctica, which recorded a temperature of -89.2C in 1983.

  • The most visited country by tourists is France, which received 89 million visitors in 2018. The least visited country by tourists is Tuvalu, which received only 2 thousand visitors in 2017.

  • How can I improve my geography skills?

Some ways to improve your geography skills are:

  • Read books, magazines, websites, blogs, podcasts, or videos about geography topics that interest you.

  • Take courses or join clubs or organizations that offer geography education or activities.

  • Use maps, statistics, remote sensing, GIS, GPS, or geovisualization tools to explore and create your own geographic information.

  • Travel or volunteer to experience different places and cultures firsthand.

  • Participate in geography quizzes, competitions, or games to test your knowledge and have fun.


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